
Special Class Railway Apprentices’ Examination, 2013

Based on the results of the  written examination  of  Special Class Railway Apprentices` exam  2013  held by  Union  Public  Service  Commission on 20th January, 2013 followed by Personality Test from  8th July, 2013 to 11th July, 2013, a  list  of  56  candidates [ 24 General  (including     01 PH-I), 14 Other  Backward  Classes, 13 Scheduled Castes and  05  Scheduled  Tribes , in order of merit, who have been recommended    for appointment as Special Class Railway Apprentices in the Indian Railways  Service  of  Mechanical  Engineers  against  56  vacancies [ 26 General , 14 OBC,  11 SC  and  05  ST ]  including  01  vacancy   for  Physically  handicapped  candidate  is  enclosed.

The medical examination for these recommended candidates shall be conducted by the Ministry of Railways.  A  communication for medical examination  is  expected  to  be  issued by the Ministry of Railways to the candidates  individually  within  21 days  from  the  date  of  declaration  of   final  result.

The candidature of 11 candidates bearing Roll Nos. 9943, 43921, 6074
3, 117074, 164096, 235946, 19564, 45759, 103910, 120275 and 198471 is  provisional.

UPSC has a `Facilitation Counter` near the Examination Halls in its    campus. Candidates can obtain relevant information/clarification regarding their examination/ recruitment on any working day between 10:00 hrs. to 17:00 hrs in person  or over telephone Nos. 011-23385271 / 23381125.  Result will also be available on the UPSC web site i.e.  http://www.upsc.gov.in.

Further, the relevant marks are likely to be available on the Commission’s Website within 15 days from the declaration of the final result for access to candidates.  The candidates can  access  these  marks  on  the Website  after  keying  their  Roll No. and date of birth when prompted to do so at the  appropriate  link.

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